Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Looking Back on South Dakota

This is a picture of our friend, Turner! He is a crazy dog!!! He LOVES to play frisbee. He can play frisbee for longer than any other dog we have ever known!! I mean, he just never, ever stops!!

He went on vacation with us when we went to South Dakota and he belongs to my husband's ex-wife. She went along on that vacation too. It was kinda scary when one of those burros in Custer State Park went a little bit NUTS and charged Turner!!! Good thing that Turner was smart enough to duck and the burro jumped OVER him!!

What a day that was! We were very glad that mama left us in the RV that day! We think that the burros would have EATEN US! BOL!


GOOSE said...

That is a really cool shot of the burro. I'm not much of a Frisbee dog, but I feel the same way about a stick.

Katya said...

Turner looks like a cute dog! He sounds like the Energizer bunny!!! hehe

Those burros look like they would give a pup a FIT! Quite nosy, (pun intended!!!) aren't they? Glad the Girlz were safe inside!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Phantom is great friends with the donkeys up the road from us, but Mom wonders what they would do if there were no fence between them. Good thing for you two cuties to stay in the RV. Turner sure is nice-looking.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ron said...

Grrrrreat photos, Jeanne!

OMG...that shot of the burro is faaaaaabulous! What an amazing close up!

Also, the photo of the sunset is stunning!

Have a super Sunday, dear lady!


Dexter Dog said...

Turner has lovely coloured eyes! Burros look pretty scary!

Berts Blog said...

All of you tegether ...sounds great. I hope you got more pictures to share with us.

love the burro......

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those are some cool sites in that Dakota
Benny & Lily

Ann said...

Maybe the burro just wanted to play frisbee too :) Glad Turner didn't get hurt by him.

momto8 said...

Turners look is just great!!

Brinley Westie said...

Turner sure has pretty blue eyes-- glad the donkey didn't get him!!

And glad you were safe in the RV!

Ina in Alaska said...

Going on vacation with an ex-wife & Turner, her dog!! Very interesting! I once met Mr. O's ex, a former flight attendant for Alaska Airlines, when she was in town many years ago. We 3 met for a glass of wine at the swanky Hotel Captain Cook. Quite frankly, I liked her!

Wyatt said...

What a cute Burro. He doesn't look so scary...hee hee


Ellen Whyte said...

Love that donkey shot! Frisbee is such a fun game but we cats don't have the paws to play it :-(