Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Let's Be Spontaneous!!

Eat some of your favorite foods!!

Buy a book you've been wanting to read!!

Crank up the Tunes and Sing at the TOP of your voice!!

Dance like C R A Z Y!!

Maybe have dinner...

    by candlelight...

Drive on a different road...

   maybe one you don't even know where it leads!!

Pat yourself on the back...or just sit down and meditate about the good things you've been doing lately!!

Grab that camera and go take a picture of something funky!

Go Rollerskating!

How about Blowing Bubbles???

  I even have one of those little Bubble Guns!

Take a SUPER long shower...til the hot water runs out...

Drink water in a wine glass

    just BECAUSE it makes you feel kinda FANCY!!

How about buying YOURSELF a bouquet of flowers????


  Don't you feel



easy rider said...

it even helped to read about it :o) Many Thanks!!!

Dory and the Mama said...

We do!!! Thanks for brightening our day!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
PeeEss - Make sure to stop by our "Tricks not Treats for Shelters" event now through Sunday!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Lily & Edward

iCloudia said...

AMEN! Good for you!

Ron said...

Oh what a great and FUN list of ways to be spontaneous, Jeanne!

"How about Blowing Bubbles???

That one made me smile and laugh because I LOVE blowing bubbles! In fact, I have a small plastic bottle of bubbles that I whip out every so often and blow them. What fun!

Have a super weekend, my friend!
X to you and the girlz

ann thompson said...

It all sounds like fun to me. You know the last time I was in the store I saw the flower bouquets and thought to myself those sure are pretty but I passed the up. I think next time I WILL take them home with me