Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Bring On The Snow...

Yes, you read that correctly...

We are waiting on another snow storm!

Probably between, 6 and 12 inches.  This would not normally be a big deal for us!

But...we have snow on the way....

I will be SO glad when this is all over!!


easy rider said...

oh no.... what was mother nature thinking? I hope this mr. winter will disappear now... we want sun and spring... we hope the snow and the storm will cause no damage... hugs to you...

Pip said...

We are having our first snow since December! Northern IL usually gets tons of snow, but this year we have barely had any.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We hear you are getting one foot! You better do pee pee now
Lily & Edward

BeadedTail said...

We're glad the snow has left Oregon! Hope you girls stay safe and warm!

Happy-Go-Doodle said...

Stay warm and have "snow" much fun!

Molly the AireGirl said...

The snow is coming my way too girls and I can't wait to play in it again!

The OP Pack said...

We hope the snow treats you well. Stay safe - we see on the TV that so many are going to get hit badly.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Kinley Westie said...


Ann Thompson said...

We're waiting on that same storm. Hopefully we'll both get lucky and it won't be as bad as they are saying

harrispen said...

We think the calendar is mixed up. We are having February weather in March.

Hailey's Lady said...

We have been in a very deep cold snap and we have like half a foot of snow coming tomorrow too. Winter is holding on to the last possible second!

Dory and the Mama said...

The weather sure has been crazy this winter!!

KB - RompRollRockies said...

Crazy crazy. And it's dry here, where we desperately need snow to reduce the fire danger. Stay safe, my friends!

Karen Milano said...

So far the storm doesn't look as bad as they predicted, how about where you are? Let's hope it blows over and is no big deal.