As you all know Zippo has been suffering quite a bit lately with his torn ligaments. So, today I went on a search for some new type of flooring material that would make it easier for him to walk around inside the cottage. All the floors here are Pergo and very slippery for someone with large claws! He doesn't take too kindly to ANYBODY getting close to his nails. We will have to make do for now. At least until his pain has subsided a little bit. My husband was able to pick up a couple of packs of Multi-Purpose Foam Blocks at BJ's last night so he brought them up with him. When I started spreading them all out to make Zippo's walkway throughout the main part of the cottage, I realized I was quite short! So, off to Sam's Club this afternoon. I was able to find similar blocks, but they are made of a different texture. Well, beggars can't be choosers. They will have to do. So, I've been "creating" my new floors this afternoon and tonight. They even come with cute little borders!! I admit...they are very colorful! I am more of a purple and teal kinda girl, but the loud primary colors will have to do for now. Good news is that in a couple of weeks when I get ready to migrate back home...all the squares just get picked up and moved. It's like assembling one GIANT puzzle! The important thing is that he doesn't slide on the floor. And that is a very good thing. And since I worked so very hard on this project all day, off we went to Panera Bread for dinner...love those panini sandwiches!!
You're such a good doggie mommy. :)
Good thinking. Hope Zip likes it.
If not, try to imagine changing the colours of your house to match the new flooring :-)
That was so sweet of you - and much cheaper than buying a bunch of area rugs.
Some friends moved into a new house with all wood floors. Their big dog freaked out - so they bought all area rugs and had to create a path for her to walk through the house. It was funny.
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