Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Zippo is Ailing...

I've been having such a terrible time this week with my poor guy....Zippo. This started on Tuesday. He has had quite a problem with his hips since I adopted him as a pup from the humane society. Rimadyl...a pain reliever....kept him relatively comfortable for quite some time now. Well, I'm at the cottage, which means ... away from my regular vet. So, I went to my "regular" vet here at the cottage and they told me they can't do anything without seeing the dog. I'm like, OK....any ideas....he weighs over a hundred am I supposed to get him here????? They were no help and gave me the phone number of a mobile vet. I called the number they gave me and the woman informed me that they were NOT a mobile vet, but she had a number of one who was. So....I call yet another number only to find out that they are not doing the mobile service anymore. CRAP. Chloe has been with me all day running around to the different vets and she's getting a bit impatient too. So, we stop for a snack at McDonalds. Then, I call my vet back at home and explain the situation and ask if they have any ideas. She calls in a heavy duty prescription pain killer to the pharmacy here and tells me to stock up on regular adult aspirin. So we call information and get the number for a pharmacy near here, wait around for the prescription to be ready and then drive home. Of course, this took another 45 minutes of me and Chloe wandering around the grassy area outside the drugstore. Ahhhhh....the joys of living in the middle of nowhere. Back home we go armed with heavy drugs. So, Zippo now has his drugs and I'm considering the fact that I too might need some.

Here we are ... three days later and Zippo still cannot put weight on his right rear foot / leg. He is able to hobble over to the ditch to do his business. The vet says the important thing is that he is eating, drinking, and doing his business. My husband will be arriving tomorrow and perhaps we may be taking Zippo to the vet for an xray.

I feel bad for the poor guy!! He is only eight years old!


theotherbear said...

Aww the poor thing! He is so beautiful. Hope you get him comfortable again soon.

Anonymous said...

Doing your business is a real good thing when you are a human so I would imagine it is good when a dog does it too :-)

Hope he gets better soon.

Unknown said...

Poor Zippo isn't feeling zippy? Are the drugs helping? Poor guy. Give him big hugs and kiss!

Anonymous said...

Zippo is so handsome! Sorry to hear about the hip problem. It's common in large breeds. I hope something can be done so that Zippo can zip around again!