Pamela is the host of this week's Fun Monday and she has selected as her subject: AN OCTOBER VIEW.
I want to see what you see on any given morning this week; from somewhere very near where you live. Front porch, back porch, down the street, around the corner. Just makes sure it's your neighborhood. Post a photo that will send me to the travel agent to book a weekend at your local Bed & Breakfast.
Post your October View on Monday, October 8 .
Write a little or write a lot.
Link to this post with the participants list.
I am still transitioning from the cottage to my home so I give you one pic from the top of the boathouse:

and some yard views from my home - that I will be returning to next Sunday...

Here's a couple of links to B&B's in Canandaigua:
Ok, I want your winter crocs, the boathouse and your dog.
Can you hook me up? Please?
That's not your place, that's Chloe's place if you ask me! You just have to look at the photos.
can i live in your winter house when you are not there please
Great photos.
I love your banner! Your dog is so cute!
I can't get past the cheerleading dog. Love it. And your views are lovely too.
So pretty and green! I'm jealous of your dock.
I hope the winter crocs are the ones on your shoes. I haven't purchased my ticket yet to your local B&B until I've heard the truth. (:
Lucky Dog!!!
I am so jealous of that view!
Your place is nice. I like to be surrounded w/ nature =)
Your dog seems to have already made herself at home? The grass looks like it's perfect to walk in...I hate the grass here. It hurts.
I think you need a boathousekeeper...not a housekeeper for the boathouse, just a boathouse sitter, sort of, and I think that I should be her. Great pics and absolutely wonderful banner. Thanks.
Wow - looks like you have a lot of nice room for the dog to run in!
Those pics kind of made me homesick. I lived near Oneida Lake.
Boy, can I come on the boat with you next time? :) Nice of you to send links to the B&Bs too. :)
Great shots, what a welcoming home and yard! With a great view!
Very nice...a cottage and a winter home.
Looks like you live on an acreage too. Looks like you have a lot to enjoy.
Love the pic from the boathouse the water is so pretty blue!
Wow, a cottage and a regular home, that is awesome. You have a nice view from the boathouse, and a wonderful big lawn at your house for that sweet pup of yours. Great views.
What team are 'we' a cheerleader for?
Love the views. I want to visit. What's your number?
I want to live in the winter house too...
Gorgeous. Looks like a great place to live.
Put my name on the reservations list for the boathouse. It's so pretty there!
I am lovin' your lawn...it is absolutely beautiful! I am mightily impressed!
Whoa, wait a minute. You live in Canandaigua? As in NY? As in not too far from Hobart and William Smith and where my aunt, uncle and cousin live? I LOVE Canandaigua! And the Finger Lakes!
Now, you probably meant Canandaigua Somewhere Else, so excuse my excitement.
But it would be awesome if you came to my blog and you're from my very favorite place in the world- and an hour from where my mom's whole side of the family lives! And I live in Oklahoma.
Sorry, that was rather long for a comment.
It's taken me a while and I'm still reading FM as I've had a lot on this week. I love the look of both your places.
bluemomma - the winter crocs and boathouse - maybe, but not Chloe...never Chloe.
willowtree - Indeed, it IS Chloe's Place!
hootinanni - thanks!
herindoors - you wouldn't like having to clean a house that size...trust me.
pat - thanks for your kind comments!
robinella - thanks, last year she was a french maid.
fiwa - thanks!
pamela - yes, the winter crocs are on my feet!
serinahope - thanks, I do like my views!
jenny and j - thanks!
anglophilefootballfanatic - Your grass hurts???? and yeah. Chloe is right at home!
myanderings - well..thanks for the offer...I'll let you know!
karmynr - yeah, the dogs love all the room to run, although Zip can't run anymore :(
robocop - Hey! Oneida Lake is not far from here! Neighbor!
lisaschaos - sure, stop by for a boatride!
worksformom - I do love my views!
mjd - thanks, they came with the territory, my husband already had them when I married him!
sirdar - we do have quite a bit of land...my husband doesn't like it so much when he has to mow it!
my4kids - in the fall, the water seems bluer!
dawn - thanks, the downside is trying to keep both places clean!
swampy - the top of the costume says "GO BICHONS"
amyw - thanks for visiting.
debbie - thanks, I really don't have a desire to move anywhere else!
min - reservations confirmed!
tiggerlane - yes, the lawn is nice, but we haven't had any rain this year so we are hoping it will come back in the spring!
simplyjenn - yep, NY it is, my favorite place too. :) small world it is we live in.
chrisb - hey, sometimes it takes me a couple of weeks to get through all the Fun Mondays!
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