Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Cat's Meow


Brenda said...

Ha! I wonder if that's a real tattoo?

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda more concerned about the color of that dude's belly button. Ew!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. We don't think what you heard was a meow.

bichonpawz said...

As far as I is a real tattoo! My sister sent it to me as "tattoo of the day"!!

Pam Aries said...

Oh MY GAWD.. that is so gross! Ha ha hee! MeeeOW.

Kellan said...

Now that is like nothing I have ever seen- HA! Have a good afternoon - see ya. Kellan

Alison said...

OMG...that is kinda gross....that will definitely not be my next tatoo!!

Unknown said...

That is grossly funny! Someone you know?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is very interesting. Pretty sure I wouldn't have one like that, but then who wants to see an overweight cat that looks like it has constipation ;-)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

No way? Who is that? Your husband? Inquiring minds want to know! :)

bichonpawz said...

Just so that EVERYBODY knows....this is NOT someone I know and it is NOT my husband!!! No WAY! He's not a tattoo man!! My sister sent it to me as "tattoo of the week"!!

Joy T. said...

I've seen this before and my opinion hasn't changed....ewwww!

Anonymous said...

That is just disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Someone aught to wipe that cats butt...looks pretty dirty to me :-)