Last Tuesday, my sister and I resumed movie night. It's a combination of movies, coffee, some kind of sugary snack, and just chick chat! We saw a phenomenal movie....Juno. You can read more about it here: Hands Down should win BEST Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actress! The main character is only 20 years old...from Canada! She is brilliant in this bright and sarcastically fun!! It was a pleasure to watch...we really loved it.
Second flick on the agenda was "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I am a huge Jack Nicholson fan. Anything with these two men in it was bound to be good. I really liked the movie. We laughed so hard! There were scenes where we wanted to cry too, but it was a very well done movie and definitely what I considered - Entertainment!
Now, you are probably wondering why on earth we would want to go to TWO movies back to back....well, in the town where I live, we have what is commonly called...a small neighborhood movie theatre. Tickets used to be $6.00 on Tuesday nights. Well...prices went up and they are now $7.50. Still affordable in our minds and we truly enjoyed both of these flicks!!
By the way, saw "27 Dresses" with my daughter a couple of weeks ago at the OTHER movie theatre where tickets were like $12.00. But, I love Katherine Heigl! I loved her in "Knocked Up", love her in "Greys Anatomy" and still loved her in "27 Dresses". The movie was a riot! The girl has a real gift for comedy. Yes...she can do serious very well also. But, she IS really, really hilarious. She carried the movie all by herself!!
I highly recommend all three of these movies and hope that they do well in the Upcoming Oscars. (And I must admit....I do love the real chick flick movies. I am so looking forward to Kate Hudson's new film, "Fools Gold" coming out next weekend.
We haven't decided what we will be checking out this Tuesday night yet....or I should say IF - as I have a dentist appointment for a tooth that has broken in half. I HATE going to the Dentist. I have spent WAY too many hours in pain due to teeth / jaw problems. Gingivectomy ring any bells....I had one of those when I was in my early twenties. I have more gold in my mouth than I care to admit. But, the damn thing broke, so I have to go get it fixed. Wish me luck.
I haven't seen those films but have read good reviews. I think I would go to the cinema more often if I had someone to go with me~ it's much more fun than going alone.
Good luck with the dentist.
I love small town theaters. We (Hubby, grandson, and I) went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 weeks ago...ticket tab for all 3 of us was $11.00!
Let's hear it for the Mooooovies!
Hadn't heard of Juno but have been eyeing the Bucket List and wondering about 27 dresses. I will eventually see them. :)
We don't go out to a lot of movies. We watch the previews on the Mac through their 'service' and those movies you mention sound like they would be a lot of fun.
I'll have to watch for these, I love movie recommendations. I have heard lots of good things about all of these movies.
Now to find time to watch them... :)
Oh, I hate dental anything. The kids lose teeth and chase me around the house. I hope your appt goes okay. On another note, I think my cousin's husband is a dentist in the town you live. I hope you'll still be able to do movie night.
We saw 27 Dresses too - loved it!
We went to see Juno and we LOVED it from start to end. I especially loved that the ending was so unexpected. And the acting was AWESOME!
Oh, don't let Sirdar fool you. We went to a movie the other night and he refused to see "27 Dresses". We saw "Untraceable" instead. A good crime movie a bit like criminal minds, but showing more of the gore. I wouldn't mind seeing The Bucket List. There was a write up about Juno in the paper today, but I didn't get a chance to read it, just saw the photo.
You are smart to invest in gold. With the devaluation of the dollar...oh, heck. I can't keep that up! Good luck at the dentist!
Glad to hear the movie reviews. We never go as we get to spend ticket prices + the 10 bucks an hour for the sitter. Movies are usually 100 dollar evenings!
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