Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

No Patience

Share three things that you have absolutely NO patience for!

I would have to say...

1. Waiting for a table in a restaurant

2. Parents who don't mind their kids

3. Price gouging of ANY kind!

What would your answers be?


Karen said...

1. waiting for any particular thing that I want NOW.

2. Mean people.

3. opening of presents.

CrystalChick said...

1. People who aren't very open-minded.
2. A really long wait in a doctor's office.
3. Slow drivers.

My answers could change depending on the day. LOL

CrystalChick said...

1. People who aren't very open-minded.
2. A really long wait in a doctor's office.
3. Slow drivers.

My answers could change depending on the day. LOL

Ellen said...

Gee, only three!!!

1. Parents who don't watch their children.

2. Drivers who do not go at least the speed limit.

3. People who get into the EZ Pass lane and they don't have anEZ Pass transponder. And instead of going through, they sit there and don't know what to do.

silvieon4 said...

after my last experience at the furniture store... I have no patience for women who threaten my life because I bought a piece of furniture they wanted. LOL seriously... I have never been "invited outside to duke it out" before....and mind you I had paid for it and they staff was carrying it out when all this happened... so I have no patience for raging hormones....

Honeygo Beasley said...

Good question!

Hmmmm ...

Sometimes I have little patience with my mom. I confess - it's bad of me and I try hard to overcome it.

Sometimes I have little patience with myself - when it comes to things like trying to improve a bad habit. I try to overcome that, too.

And the usual - like waiting for paint to dry!

Happy Easter, Jeanne!

Holly Loves Art said...

Oooh I like all of yours and I like the ones that others mentioned as well. For me it's waiting in L.A. traffic; it drives me crazy. Also I don't like solicitors that call again and again and I too don't like waiting for an appointment because I am always on time and it seems that everyone is late. Gosh... I need to practice more patience. I've been doing it my whole life. ha ha
Happy Easter!