Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Celebrate #Tractor Supply Pet Appreciation Week Sept. 17-21, 2014 #PAW2014

What does Tractor Supply carry that will help you keep your pets happy and healthy??  Let me tell you!

For the 4th year in a row, Tractor Supply will be holding their Pet Appreciation Week from the 17th through the 21st of September.  Tractor Supply is your one stop shop to help YOU care for your animals!!  They make their home in rural communities all across America.  In each Tractor Supply store, you’ll find a staff of experts, better known as your friends and neighbors. They're proud of where they live and even more proud to bring you the products, the services and ALL the seasoned advice you could ask for!  Tractor Supply views itself as your neighbor and as your neighbor they take the well-being of all animals very seriously.

Tractor Supply has more than 1300 locations nationwide and their goal is to bring adoptable pets to EVERY store on Saturday, September 20th, 2014.   Tractor Supply carries an extensive line of pet food including PREMIUM brand food, treats, flea and tick control, beds, wireless fencing systems, crates, kennels, collars, leashes, food bowls, grooming supplies, and toys of all kinds!!

How fabulous is it that thousands of animals will have the opportunity to be adopted and find their forever homes!!  The staff members at my local Tractor Supply Store are getting excited for the Pet Appreciation Event on Saturday, September 20, 2014.

Let's do ALL we can to help them help the shelter animals!!

Pet Appreciation Week begins on September 17th!!  There will be HUGE deals to be found!!  Not only is Tractor Supply hosting this FAB Event, they are also providing prizes and giveaways!!

Tractor Supply wants to recognize and reward responsible pet owners so they will also be providing pet nutrition demos, discounted foods and supplies...and gift card giveaways while supplies last!!

ALL events for Pet Appreciation Week are open to the public and the very BEST part is you can even BRING YOUR PETS!!

There are so many ways you can help your Local Humane Society.   Did you know that you can purchase supplies from Tractor Supply Company in order to create something special for your local shelter, and you don't have to go broke doing it!!  I have decided to help our local Humane Society by making tug of war toys for the dogs!  I purchased several feet of plain cotton rope, measured it out, cut and twisted the rope into tug of war chew toys for all different sized dogs.  Our German Shepherds always loved to play with these rope toys...especially when they were puppies and teething!

All dogs LOVE to run and play and get some exercise so I also purchased a ball launcher and an extra tennis ball for back up!  Have some extra time on your hands??  Call up your local shelter and volunteer!!  They are always looking for help.

Chloe and LadyBug have tons of toys and they are going to share some of these toys with our local shelter pets. Of course, THEY don't know that yet :)  but I am most excited about sharing Chloe's TENT with the dogs at the shelter.  The tent can be used in a variety of ways...playing hide and seek, taking a nap in private...or playing tug of war in it...providing the dogs are small!!  It is also possible that some of the cats might like to use the tent also!

If you are interested in helping out your local shelter, inquire as to what supplies they may be in need of...

I am supporting the SPCA of Jefferson County here in Northern New York.  They have put together a wish list of items that are always in demand!  They can NEVER have too many of these items...

~Rubbing Alcohol, Paper Towels, Bleach
~Scissors, Stamps, Ink for their Printer
~Staples Gift Cards
~Laundry Detergent, Hand Soap, General Cleaning Products
~Cat Litter, Cat Scratchers, Pill Pockets, Bottles (for baby kittens and puppies)
~Flea Combs, Distilled Water, Trash Bags, Copy Paper, Notebooks, Staples, Envelopes
~Page Protectors, MORE Copy Paper...can NEVER have too much!!
~Dish Soap, Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Baby Wipes
~Kongs, Peanut Butter, Canned Food
~Blankets, Towels, Toys

On the list of supplies that are needed at this shelter were some items that I am curious about.  It surprised me that they would ask for SPECIFIC items by name and manufacturer.

These particular items are as follows:


Stretch and Scratch (for Cats)

Snuggle Kitties (Available on Amazon)

Snuggle Safe Heat Pad (Available on Amazon)

I have already stopped by Tractor Supply to check out the signage and pick up all the materials that I needed for my project.  Tomorrow I will be stopping by the ASPCA of Jefferson County to speak with the volunteers and find out which dogs and cats need what!  I will try to grab some pics while I am there so you can see how the dogs interact with my project items!

Let's support our friends and neighbors at Tractor Supply:

LadyBug was REALLY tired out from helping me out today...She could not get to the lake fast enough to put her feet in the water!!

**This post is sponsored by Tractor Supply Company and the BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Tractor Supply Company, but BICHONPAWZ only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Tractor Supply Company is not responsible for the content of this article.**