**Disclosure: I was gifted this 100 Good Deeds Bracelet to review and share with my readers. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.**
Mary Fisher is an artist, author and advocate. She spent a decade partnering with vulnerable women in Africa designing jewelry made by the women to earn a dignified livelihood. She had just released her memoir, "Messenger", a story of discovering joy in service, when she met Thomas Morgan, a filmmaker. Thomas had created the 100 Good Deeds game with his family. The rules of the game: A "good deed" means we have gone out of our way to help someone and only counts if the deed remains anonymous. Thomas shared the game with Mary who responded by creating the 100 Good Deeds bracelet. The bracelet is both a call to do good deeds and a strategy to empower women. Thomas' game and Mary's bracelet have launched an entire movement worldwide called the 100 Good Deeds Movement.
Each bracelet is a reminder to spread positive change through action and fulfill our mission to do good, one deed, one bead, one act of kindness at a time.
Because...work provides dignity and freedom. Each purchase employs one vulnerable woman.
Because...it opens us to see the need for compassion and to hear the call for kindness.
Because...you can change the world! One deed, one bead, one act of kindness at a time. Each time you do a good deed, move the ring on the bracelet closer to the button. These bracelets are made by vulnerable women who have been trained for this type of work in Uganda, India, Indonesia, Zambia, South Africa, Rwanda,and in Haiti. The #DeedADay Project gives women a way to support their families through earnings, while empowering them to also contribute to good deeds all around the world. Proceeds from the bracelets are reinvested in the program to provide more women around the world with training.
Each #1GD bracelet is carefully hand-braided from a fine nylon thread using a lucet tool. The braided cord is then strung with one hundred unique glass beads and a single rubber ring.
I am setting a new and different kind of resolution and it is all about doing good deeds!! I have joined the 100 Good Deeds organization in setting a resolution to do a good deed a day! The 100 Good Deeds bracelet is both a fashion statement and a cause to encourage everyone to do a good deed. My personal goal is to wear my bracelet and do a deed a day. I would like to encourage you guys to join with me!!
As we look to the New Year and begin to determine what our resolutions will be, we start thinking, "what if". What if, instead of purely self-serving resolutions, we launched a #DeedADay movement where the intent was to do something for someone else? And what if that action, of deciding to do a good deed a day played out ALL OVER the blogosphere AND on our social channels??
I am calling on YOU to help me with this movement!!
To join the #DeedADay movement, go ahead and share one of the #1GD images on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest using hashtag #DeedADay and tagging the 100 Good Deeds Bracelet.
You can read more about the #1GD movement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest:
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/the100gooddeedsbracelet
Twitter: @The1GDBracelet
Instagram: @The1GDBracelet
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/the1GDBracelet
The sale of these bracelets makes a difference in the lives of artists in Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Rwanda, and Haiti.
The world will be a better place if each and every one of us commits to ONE Deed A Day.
That's a very nice looking bracelet and so cleverly designed. I like the idea of a one deed a day too.
Such a great idea in so many ways. And I think they are beautiful too.
What a wonderful idea!!
What a wonderful idea and such beautiful bracelets!
Great idea!!! I love the bracelets.
I saw those bracelets somewhere else and LOVE them! The purple one is my favorite. I wish I had added it to my Christmas wishlist!
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