We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.
Ellen Goodman
Those are very wise words "but for potential". May you have a blessed and happy New Year.
Abby the Lab and her Mom
Most excellent advice.
Brilliant words, Jeanne!
" we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential."
Amen! It's all in our "perception."
Thanks for sharing, my friend! Have a faaaaabulous weekend!
X to you and the girlz!
Those are very wise words! We agree Chloe!
From my heart and home to yours, New Years blessings to you and yours. May your days be filled with lots of tail wags, kisses and treats.
Hugs, Noreen & Hunter
What a sweet picture. Love the quote too. Hope you had a very Happy New Year
What a great quote! You mom found a stuffie walking through your rooms!
A wonderful quote!
Thanks so much! Do you have a blog? What is the address? I tried doing a search for Abby the Lab, but I did not find anything? Thanks!!
Ellen - you asked about an address for Abby the Lab and I. The blog is www.thebookofbarkley.blogspot.com. Barkley is the name of my last dog and the star of the Best selling book with his name. Abby and I are having lots of fun there with new friends that are helping us heal from his absence so please stop by.
What a cute picture.
Thanks so much!
Thanks!! I found you!!
Thanks KB!! I love it!
Thanks! Actually that is Chloe's new "Lambchop" stuffie that she got from Santa!
Thanks so much! Happy New Year to you too!!
Thanks Noreen and Hunter too! Happy New Year!!
Thanks so much!!
It IS all in the perception!! Thanks Ron!!
Thanks Mary!!
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