Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

#SomaPet: For The Life Of Your Pet!!

**I did receive product samples from SomaPet, but all opinions are my own and SomaPet is not responsible for the content.**

Let's talk about what SomaPet is!  SomaPet is an all natural, vegan, whole food supplement that is designed specifically to deliver the best nutritional support to your pet.  Renewed vitality is one of the health improvements you will notice when you add SomaPet to your pet's diet.

  I simply cannot explain the immense changes I have noticed in both Chloe and LadyBug!!

Many of you know that LadyBug had been suffering from Trigeminal Neuritis for the second time.  I truly believe that adding SomaPet to her diet is assisting in the process of her recovery! 

 She is back to playing and running again!!

SomaPet is a trademarked combination of organic free-form crystalline amino acids that encourage the production of healing, repair, and growth factors that stimulate your pet's natural processes of cell repair and regeneration.  This product was literally tested on humans FIRST and I really do believe that it increases energy levels and decreases the signs of aging!

 The specific combination of SomaPet's ingredients ensure an appropriate balance of amino acids which are particularly beneficial for our pets that are over the age of three.  Chloe is now eleven years old, and LadyBug is ten.


Healthier Skin and Coat
Reduced Body Fat
Vitality Renewed
Immune System Improvement
Strengthening of Collagen and Bones
The specific changes I have noticed in my girls include:
Their eyes seem clearer and their attention focus improved

Huge change in energy level ... Chloe has not been able to jump in over a year, but she's jumping now!!

The texture of their fur not only looks shinier, it is much more healthy!

It is important to note that SomaPet contains NO artificial flavor, color, preservatives, sucrose, starch, gluten, dairy, or yeast.

THERE IS LINK TO SOMAPET on my right side bar...if you are interested in purchasing, please click on that link!  Thanks so much!