Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thoughtless Thursday: The "What Have I DONE" Edition...

I haven't seen my older sister in about three years, so I decided to book a trip to go visit her and her husband at their new house.

I am not one to just hop on a plane, especially since we got the RV.  I have done a fair amount of traveling all over the U.S. and the Caribbean for business and pleasure...but I've always been a bit on the nervous side.  ALWAYS.  I remember one particular connecting flight from Cleveland to Rochester...and after we boarded, I looked around and said to the flight attendant, "where are the restrooms?"  She said, "There isn't any!"  I thought I would DIE.

That was THE longest flight in history.  

So, as I started to tell you, I went ahead and booked a trip that is coming up in a couple of weeks.  

Then.  Brussels happened.

Now...not kidding... I am pretty terrified.  I cannot watch the news.  I keep telling myself that I shouldn't worry.  My husband says, just be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.  OK.  Easier said than done.

I will do my best to enjoy my trip...that is all I can do. 

(Although I have considered valium...)

On to other news...

Have you made plans to celebrate Easter?  I am getting things together to make up baskets for the girls.  Greenies is on the top of my shopping list!  They would prefer that the entire basket be FILLED to the brim with them!! :)

Miss Chloe is very excited about the Easter Bunny arriving!  

I am joining the Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop hosted by Ruckus, MKClinton, and Owned by a Husky.