Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Little Paprika with Your Tuna?

My daughter has very fond memories of a sandwich I sent to school in her lunch years ago. I had made her a perfectly good tuna fish sandwich. She loved my tuna fish. But. This particular tuna fish was made very EARLY in the morning. And. I think I have mentioned before. I am NOT a Morning Person. Never Have Been. Anyway, when I was reaching for the Paprika, I accidentally put in CINNAMON. She had the girl next to her try it. They decided there was indeed something very wrong with the sandwich and that she shouldn't eat it. My daughter will never let me forget that.

Tonight, I decided after coming in from the cold, to make some homemade cocoa from my new cocoa recipe! So, I throw all the stuff in to make this delicious combo and voila...stick it on a tray and carry it out to the tv. Go to taste it and....YUCK!!!!! Lo and behold....I have added P A P R I K A as a garnish on the little marshmallows - instead of cinnamon! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate that! So much for good cocoa.


Anonymous said...

Better paprika than cayenne pepper !
I once made gravy with powdered sugar.
HAPPY NEW YEAR sprinkled with just a little paprika.

Sandy said...

OK, I've heard of chili powder and cumin with cocoa, but never paprika! Great new picture, by the way.

Anonymous said...

That is too funny, in a charming way. I had a Pampered Chef party once and gave the lady making the party food (because the demonstrator makes something) corn starch, instead of icing sugar. Then I ended up turning off the oven and the food didn't cook well until I realized what happened. It tasted okay, but not sweet enough. I was very embarrassed. It happens to all of us, even those who seem to know how to cook or those who seem awake in the morning.

bichonpawz said...

Swampy - How did the gravy turn out??
Sandy - Thanks girlfriend!! Yeah, Paprika is my own personal recipe!!
Dawn - Now I don't feel as bad as I consider you a SUPERB Chef!

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Right now I don't really want tuna or paprika. I'm sure it'll wear off by tomorrow.

Unknown said...

ew! I'm not much into tuna, or cocoa really. But paprika in the cocoa. EW!

Did you make a new batch?

Love your photo!

Anonymous said... least you are consistent. The only observation is that the cocoa was not made in the what is the excuse this time? LOL!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Hi BermudaBluez, it's me (WorksForMom), I just changed my profile name. I hope you and your fam had an awesome Christmas.

Secondly, that's the first photo I've seen of you - you're hott (that's right TWO t's).

And paprika? That's just downright HEELARIOUS! :)

Kellan said...

Hey - I haven't been over here in a while - sorry about that - I've missed you!! Glad to see the picture of you in the sidebar so now I can put a face to the name!! I loved this paprika story - it was very funny and reminds me of a few mishaps of my own. It does ruin a perfectly good tuna sandwich or cup of cocoa if you put the wrong ingredient in - doesn't it?! Glad to see you and I hope you have a Very Happy New Year as well. Look forward to seeing you in 2008!! Kellan

Hootin Anni said...

Well I'm here for Fun Monday to see what you had for us so we could laugh with you....but, NO, no don't get me wrong --- I'm not laughing AT you, but this was funny for our Fun Monday and you weren't even trying! Okay, okay so I'm laughing at you a bit, but it WAS funny!!!

- - -

Did you know why the Nativity Scene cannot be displayed in D.C.? Because no one can find 3 wise men OR a virgin!!!!

Mine's posted! Come laugh with me today!!!

Brenda said...

Hahahaha! You need to write a big RED C on your cinnamon bottle!

alisonwonderland said...

too funny! i hope you quickly made some more cocoa! :)

fiwa said...

At least it wasn't cayenne! ;)

Cynthia said...

You gotta seperate the paprika and the cinnamon!

Jen said...


Happy New Year, BermudaBluez!

theotherbear said...


Happy New Year.