Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday: The LadyBug Vet Visit Edition

What a crazy couple of days this has been...

The diagnosis:  

Trigeminal Neuritis

Idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy is common in dogs and uncommon in cats. It is characterized by acute onset of flaccid jaw paralysis. Affected animals cannot close the mouth and have difficulty eating and drinking. Horner syndrome, facial paresis, and decreased facial sensation are also possible. The cause is unknown. Histopathologically, there is bilateral nonsuppurative inflammation and demyelination in the motor branches of the trigeminal nerve. Affected animals usually recover spontaneously within 3–4 wk. Fluid and nutritional support may be necessary.
copyright  the Merck Veterinary Manual
We are exhausted...
More tomorrow...