Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It Started Out Differently

I sat down to write this post. Then I did a random search on cinnamon rolls...I know....WHY cinnamon rolls?? Because I happen to have a roll of Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls in my fridge. The expiration date has expired by a couple of weeks. My husband says...use it anyway! I say...nope. I'm googling it. Whatever did we do before google?? Basically I found out that you can actually use it...unless it smells or looks funny. It is an ongoing battle here in my house. I throw out anything that is past the date. My husband keeps AND EATS everything past the date! PS...whose food would you rather eat??

Anyway, while I'm googling my cinnamon rolls question, I stumble across another blog that I have fallen in love with! Every now and then I go blog-hopping...even when I'm not planning on it! Anyway, the blog I am referring to is Joy the Baker! Joy writes like I think...all random and all over the place! I love it! I can relate to it! See what you think...are you often attracted to blogs that just DRAW you in?? Even when not specifically searching for a blog...I stumble across some great ones! That is actually how I have found some really good ones that I like to read fairly often! Sometimes you will see a blog appear on my sideline for awhile, then disappear. The reason for that is I don't always have the time to check the blog out when I find it, so I put it over there on the sideline to read when I have more time. And, there are times when I read for awhile, then lose interest. We all do that, right??

Anyway...the reason this started out differently was because I was planning on talking about the fact that many people have asked whether we are on the road right now. The simple answer is NO. We will be going on our trip to Minnesota...just not for awhile.

We need to get this bone graft situation straight before I can leave town!! Another appointment with the surgeon tomorrow as it appears the stitches have somehow come loose and the bone may still be affected. So, I'm waiting to see what he says. Much depends upon my medical situation. So, for now...we got the RV inspected.

There's a whole bunch of things I still need to get done before the final arrangements can be made...still need to get the girlz in to the vet for their annuals and shots...get flea meds and put Ben's car back on the road. Lots of things have been set aside for the time being...I am supposed to be resting. Yeah...right.


Ziggy Stardust said...

I hope things work out, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Take care

Anne and Sasha

faye said...

Get some rest !!

I also toss out anything that
is beyond ( or even very close )
to the expiration date...
especially dairy products.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Oh do rest and get well soon, k? Bone graft, that just does NOT sound like any fun! I will check out that blog. I love random all over the place blog writers. :o)

Bassetmomma said...

I love to wander around the blog world too! There is just so much to read. Hope your completely better soon so you can go on your trip!

caite said...

hope the medical things work out soon, the girls get a 100% bill of heath and soon you are on the road..again.

Finn said...

Hope you are feeling better. I would have agreed with you and not have made the rolls. :)

Remington said...

I hope all goes well, my friend. I bet you are excited for your trip. We don't even have Billy the Bus uncovered yet....froze here again last night. It would be so cool to meet you....

Donna said...

Oh man! I hope you get the graft business sorted out Jeanne! Hope it's not too painful for you..
You hate those Z Packs too??Hahaa...Aren't they just junk medicine?!! Useless on us...
I'm SO envious of the upcoming trip. Our 5th wheel has just been sitting in the back of the shop for 2 yrs now...sigh...and now Larry has changed trucks from diesel to gas and it won't pull the 5th wheel. I'm seriously thinking about looking for a small motorhome...

Ina in Alaska said...

Yogurt lasts a while beyond it's expiration date. I agree (limited agreement) w/your hubby - SOME packaged foods are fine as long as they dont look or smell funny.

Sometimes I visit blogs along the sides of other's blogs. But I use Google Reader. For example I like and follow your blog, but on Google Reader. The ones on the side of my blog - I follow them too on GR. I should clean up my sidebar of blogs cuz I actually follow more than are seen. I just find GR very quick & convenient.

So sorry for your continued pain! If I lived nearby I would fix you yummy smoothies & mashed potatoes with cheese!!! (((hugs)))

Sweet William The Scot said...

Those expiration dates frustrate us also. Particularly the ones on prescriptions. My pharmacist says a lot of expired drugs to us they send to third world because they are still good. He goes to dispense them for doctors without borders. We never take a chance though.
Sweet William The Scot

Beth said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!

Ron said...

Like you, I'm all over the place with topics that I share on my blog. But, honestly, I enjoy that. I like reading other blogs who are the same because it makes reading interesting - you never know what you're going to find!

You take care, dear lady.

(((( You )))))

X to you and the girlz!

Ellen said...

Are you getting your much needed rest? Get well girl!!!! I've been wondering how you are. Please take care and don't eat any rotten food!

White Dog Blog said...

We send White Dog positive energy that the bone graft heals correctly and quickly so that you can enjoy that wonderful trip.

Dad just heard an NPR article about food expiration dates and how they are fiction.

KB said...

Oh my, your life is very busy and intense right now. I hope that the bone graft situation gets sorted out. I had to have them for my spine more than once... and it worked out. I hope that the same is true for you.