Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas!!

We are in pretty good shape in terms of all shopping done and the house is decorated and the only thing I really have left to do is wrapping!  That's a good thing!! 

We had a very nice day yesterday with my blog friend, Kae and her husband Mark...wonderful to spend an afternoon just relaxing and eating!

We did not take very many pictures, but here are a few!

WHERE are the pictures of Kae and I, you ask??  We don't know...we are usually the ones behind the lens!!

The girlz were not much help...they were just lounging around watching us!!

Hope you all are getting your holiday preparations accomplished!! 

Let's all hope for a little dusting of SNOW!!


tubby3pug said...

Looks like you are all ready

urban hounds

Karen said...

We're getting rain, I guess. Wish it were snow! that PUNCH looks good! Recipe?

Bassetmomma said...

It sounds like your all ready and had a wonderful afternoon! I love your veggie tree! :)

AnnStaub said...

I still have a few more presents to buy. Luckily, I've employed my 8 year old daughter as gift wrapper this year! Of course she can't wrap her own but that's ok. Cute veggie tree and donkey ear!

GOOSE said...

MOM loves the veggie tree. And I would say watching you all IS a big help. I know if they would have seen a need to lend a paw they would have jumped right in.

Daryl said...

i hear there is a storm coming across the country and if it doesn't make it here i wont be sad

BeadedTail said...

Looks likea lovely time with friends! Girls, we're surprised you weren't in the middle of everything getting lots of pets!

Two French Bulldogs said...

The veggie tree is adorable
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

The vege Christmas tree is just awesome!
It sounds like you're all set for the big day!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ann said...

sounds like you had a good time.
We're expecting up to 15 inches of snow starting tomorrow morning. Way more than a dusting and I'm not looking forward to it

Anonymous said...

Hey Chloe, Hey LadyBug, Jet here. Hi Miss Jeanne.

Oh, Oh, Miss Jeanne??? Mom and I HAVE TO KNOW... where did you get (or how did you make) that splendiforous tree of Kitchen K9 veggies???????? That's a keeper I'll tell ya... in fact, I'd like to have a chomp right now after the morning I've had. whoops, I digress...

Your home looks so festive; may you all celebrate a joyous and Merry Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

HI Chloe and LadyBug, your tree looks delish!

I wanted to stop by to wish you all a




woos, Tessa

Berts Blog said...

My Vickie prefers it when I help the way you guys are helping.

I, on the other hand/paw would rather help her by eating half of what she does.

Merry Christmas

KB said...

The veggie tree is amazing!

I'm so glad that you're on top of everything. We've been stricken by the plague here so Christmas has been postponed... (I'm not kidding :)

Have fun!

White Dog Blog said...

We are so jealous of your preparedness! Everyone looks so relaxed and comfortable. Momma loved the veggie tree!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Mommy is crazy for the veggie tree, she is gonna try one with fruit.

Loveys Sasha

Ziggy Stardust said...

p.s. I hope Ladybug got her pressie by now and I hope she likes it.

Loveys Sasha