We enjoyed watching the Academy Awards and were so very glad that Argo won Best Picture...so happy for Ben Affleck...he deserved it!! Too bad he wasn't nominated for Best Director too!!
Also glad Danica Patrick came in 8th during the Daytona Race!!
The girlz are giving me a hard time today...Don't you love it when you are trying to make a bed, or fold a towel or a blanket and they INSIST on STANDING on it????
Like this...
Oh yes, happens all the time here too! BOL!
Oh, I see crazy face there.
Hi Lola here!
When you're folding stuff, we canines naturally think you're about to head out - and we don't want to be left behind!
PS Don't pass this on to Nora - she thinks she's got me sussed. Big mistake!
Didn't bother watching...
LOVE the girls though...They just want their Momma!!!Hahaaa
our boys do that when we make the bed .. helpers are wonderful for photo ops ..
Argo is the best picture I've seen in years, loved it! Talk about suspense!
Cute pics, my bailey does the same darn thing.
PS - I had trouble leaving comments on your blog for a while, lets see if this one takes...
Dat's funny....my Mom has dat same pwoblem! BOL
Hap-Pee Monday!
Woof! Woof! They just want some attention ... Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Looks like they are helping to me.
They certainly DO know how to help you!
Or laying on it after you've folded it. :-)
Thanks for catching me up with the Academy Awards, Jeanne, because once again...missed them :(
And glad to hear about Ben Affleck. He's such a great actor!
Have a great Monday, dear lady!
X to you and the girlz!
We stand on the blankets too when they are trying to be folded. It's such fun!
Benny & Lily
Don't you know you shouldn't be doing housework when you can be playing with the dogs?
Well, aren't you supposed to be on it if it's out? That's the rules!
We stand on blankies and towels all the time when our mom is trying to fold them! We're only trying to help!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Looks like they are trying to help....lol
To answer your question from the other day I got the Folk Art Festival cartridge. I'm posting about it later in the week
Oh my gosh Kirby does this all the time, it drives me nuts! lol. They do lok like they are having a lot of fun though. Missed the Oscars hoping i can catch it somewhere
I only saw two of the movies, actually only 1 1/2 since I fell asleep during Silver Lining Play book. I know, crazy, huh?? lol That was only because we watched at home (shhh, bootleg copy). The other was Django Unchained, which we all really liked but it's one of those movies that wouldn't appeal to everyone.
Maybe the full moon has the girlz a little uppity? lol
We enjoyed watching the awards too!
I love when Leroy stands on the towel as I am trying to wipe his muddy feet and refuses to life his paw!
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