Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Black N White Sunday: Myrtle Beach Edition

We aren't real pleased because mama has decided that she needed to see more than she could actually see on the golf went out and rented a car!  The nerve!!  They left us in the air conditioned RV for three hours today.  Can you believe that?????
We are considering filing a suit.
Perhaps we need to talk to 'vie?
We sure do get royal treatment when they get home though...
Maybe we should wait on filing ...
At least for now!


Ann said...

Three whole hours? The nerve. Well since they do at least give you the royal treatment you are partially compensated

GOOSE said...

Yes, lets see if the royal treatment continues.

faye said...

awwww ...the girlz just want to share in all the fun.

Ron said...

"We are considering filing a suit.
Perhaps we need to talk to 'vie?"

HA! How funny, Jeanne!

Hope you're having a super time!

Happy Sunday!

X to you and the girlz!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! They will be back soon. Happy Black n White SUNDAY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It sure looks like you are living the easy life there:)

Happy Sunday.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, I bet you are enjoying Mrytle Beach; I've driven through once on my way to Hilton Head. Have to say I love that area. I know that you girls are being well cared for.
Have a great day!
Noreen & Hunter

BeadedTail said...

OMC! That's totally uncalled for! You girls better have got some treats for having to stay in the A/C by yourselves for three whole hours!

Anonymous said...

You didn't get to go in the rental car?? What the heck??? A suit is absolutely necessary!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beach bum
Benny & Lily

Pamela said...

lucky dogs. or blessed. or something. They have more fun than I have.

Ruby said...

Oh My!! Puppy abuse!!! An air conditioned RV? With all the amenedies?? With reachable snacks? Were there stuffies available? If there were no stuffies available, I would turn em' in...clearly neglect. BOL

Scooter said...

YOu should demand more treats and snacks!!

Jazzi and Addi

CrystalChick said...

Relaxing in an air conditioned RV ... oh the horror! LOL
I'm sure mama will give the royal treatment upon return!!

Katya said...

Aw, bet the girlz were just fine. Why do we always feel guilty when we leave and the furkids have to stay behind? Murphy actually enjoys the quiet...I am sure!!