Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Cottage Flowers

Chloe just loves her garden!  We have had absolutely NO rain here in Northern NY so many of our flowers are not doing so well...not to mention the vegetables!  There is no farm stands open anywhere.  I sure hope we get some rain SOON!!


Christine Sterling said...

They are still pretty!

Monty, Harlow and Ramble

The OP Pack said...

We have had a lot of rain but once it heats up again, things dry up very quickly. That is such a pretty shot of Chloe!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

BeadedTail said...

Such a pretty girl Chloe! We haven't had much rain but our temps are in the 70s or low 80s so nothing burning up too much yet.

Two French Bulldogs said...

You have a good reason to love your garden Chloe
Lily & Edward

Hailey's Lady said...

Lovely flowers! We have had drought like conditions, although it rained last weekend and is raining now.

Molly and Mackie said...

What a beautiful picture of you, Chloe! We are loving all of your pretty flowers!

ann thompson said...

we went quite a while with no rain and just had 2 rain storms in the last few days. Hopefully you'll get some soon

Dory and the Mama said...

We love all your pretty flowers and hope you get some rain real soon!!