Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Let's Celebrate #NationalHuggingDay Today!!

I bet you all didn't even know that there WAS such a thing as National Hugging Day...let alone that it is actually TODAY!!

Yes, it is!!

Check out this site and you can read ALL about it!!

So, go forth and do some HUGGING today!!

Hug your Dogs!

Hug your Cats!

Hug Anybody!!

It's good for the Soul!!


easy rider said...

I agree... it is like a magic potion and it brings love to this world... hugs to you too

Dory and the Mama said...

Thanks for letting us know about National Hugging Day, Chloe!! We will make sure to give Mama tons of snuggles and hugs today!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Oz theTerrier said...

We are celebrating National Hugging Day too! Happy hugging! It's good for you

Noreen said...

Celebrating this too today Jeannie. I hope you and the girls are well and enjoying January. I'm wondering something and thought I'd ask you-I posted it on FB/Bichon Lovers-do you have a cream/medication you can recommend to me to use on Hunter. His groomer(ex) gave him trim on Thursday and shaved too close(this happened before and I told her about it)to his empty testicle sack. It left a large razor burn(that's the only way I can describe it).He has been miserable since then-licking, hurting, can't get comfortable. I thought about triple strength antibiotic, coconut oil, I also tried Vaseline-but last night he was so uncomfortable. i haven't put his cone on and today seems better, but I'm searching for something that would help him. Of course, this was the third situation with the groomer, so I'm going to book with one my daughter uses. Thanks for any info. Hugs to you all.

Hailey's Lady said...

Happy hug day!

Jeanne Pursell said...

Hi Noreen! I have used coconut oil and cortisone cream. Plain old fashioned Gold Bond Powder in the yellow bottle works well...after the initial application. That is just terrible what they did to Hunter. I cannot stand when they shave too close!! Chloe has had some problems in the past. I have a FABULOUS groomer now...a professionally certified groomer and she is just so good with the girls. I have to drive almost an hour to get to her, but it is so worth it for their comfort! I will reach out to her and see if she has any other remedies that might help. Hugs to you and Hunter!

Molly and Mackie said...

What a great photo of the two of you! Happy National Hugging Day!

The OP Pack said...

We didn't know until we started reading all the posts, but we got Mom to give us lots of extra hugs.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

ann thompson said...

Nope, I had no idea there was such a thing. Cute picture of you two