Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Yes! Coconut Oil IS Good For Our Pets Too!!

Someone asked me just the other day how did my girls like coconut oil.  Well...let me tell you, they absolutely LOVE the taste of coconut oil...and if I forgot to put it in their food, they probably would not even eat!  THAT is how much they have come to love it!!  I put just about a half of a teaspoon mixed in with their meal.  Both of them are quite happy to lick the spoon!!

Coconut oil can have many so many health benefits if you feed it regularly to your dog– for their skin, digestive and immune systems, metabolic function, even their bone and brain health! Here are the top 10 reasons to add coconut oil to your dog’s diet:

1. Coconut oil improves overall skin health, and clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin.

2. Incredibly emollient, coconut oil helps moisturize the dryest K9 skin and makes a dog’s coat gleam with health – whether you add it to her diet, her shampoo, or both!

3. Applied topically to the skin, coconut oil  promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.

4. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil help reduce doggy odor, and its pleasantly tropical aroma imparts a delightful scent to a dog’s skin and coat.

5. Coconut oil prevents and treats yeast infections, including candida. Its antiviral agents also help dogs recover quickly from kennel cough.

6. Digestion and nutrient absorption are improved by the addition of coconut oil to a dog’s diet. It can, however, cause stool to loosen; if that happens, just add a few spoonfuls of canned pumpkin to your dog’s diet (go here for more stool-firming tips).

7. Coconut oil reduces – and sometimes eliminates – doggy breath. Some dog lovers even brush their pets’ teeth with the stuff! Which makes sense, as dogs love the taste of coconut oil, and that makes the chore less arduous for brusher and brushee. 

8. Like cinnamon, coconut oil helps prevent diabetes by regulating and balancing insulin. It also promotes normal thyroid function, and helps prevent infection and heart disease.

9. Helping to reduce weight and increase energy, coconut oil also promotes mobility in dogs with arthritis and other joint issues.

10. Again like cinnamon, coconut oil is excellent for brain health; it’s being used to stave off dementia in humans, and it’s a must to keep senior dogs’ minds from becoming cloudy.

Our thanks to Dogster for this very important health info!!


Karen said...

I hadn't thought of that!.. thanks for the tip...

easyweimaraner said...

thanks for a great post... it's on my order list :o)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yep, so many benefits from coconut oil
Lily & Edward

Robin Whiskers said...

I give Chris coconut oil every couple of days....he LOVES the taste, and it's so good for him!

M. K. Clinton said...

The boys get coconut oil on a daily basis. They love it too.

Molly and Mackie said...

A most informative post! Thanks, girls!

ann thompson said...

Coconut oil is pretty impressive stuff.
To answer your question from my blog, my tablet is a Samsung Galaxy Tab

BeadedTail said...

You on a boat and talking of coconut oil makes us think of the beach! They have big birdies at the beach!

Princess Leah said...

Oh I LUFFS a bit of coconut oil in my bowl at tea time, yum, yum
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Jeanne Pursell said...

The girls both really, REALLY, love the taste of it too!! They always lick their bowls!! :)

Jeanne Pursell said...

You got it!! We really need to GO to the beach!! Hopefully SOON!!

Jeanne Pursell said...

If you have any questions at all I can help you with Ann...let me know...I do have a couple of Kindle Fire tablets and I believe they run the same operating system as the Galaxy. Yes, Coconut Oil is pretty amazing, isn't it??

Jeanne Pursell said...

You are most welcome!! It is absolutely amazing all of the things that coconut oil is good for! For humans and for furkids!

Jeanne Pursell said...

It is great stuff Melissa!! Paw lickin good!! :)

Jeanne Pursell said...

Thanks! I definitely think Phenny will like it! It really has a LOT of advantages!!