Dogs really ARE Miracles with Paws!!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Canandaigua Fire and Ice

Canandaigua held their Fire and Ice Festival the other day in town and the weather was just dreadful.  We didn't go to it because it was really cold and damp...not the best weather to enjoy a festival!  We did stop last night on the way home from dinner to take a few pictures of the ice sculptures that were still there.

I say "still there" because...local vandals toppled several of the beautiful sculptures.   It is just awful that some people just do not respect other's artwork and feel a need to ruin it for everyone else.

So, even though there are quite a few photos least you can get an idea of how beautiful the sculptures were.  I wish we had been able to see all of them.

Shame on those who ruined the rest of them!

Years ago, on a cruise ship, we watched a man take a regular block of ice and turn it into one of these magnificent sculptures!  Truly something to see if you ever get the chance!!


easy rider said...

that is really cool art... love the icy bear...

ann thompson said...

Wow, those are amazing. I watched a movie one time where they had an ice sculpture competition. Of course they were just acting and the actual work was done by someone else but it was still fascinating

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool!!wish they had one around here
Lily & Edward

Murphy Campbell said...

Wow, some amazing sculptures. The only thing mom can carve from a block of ice is an ice cube.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Kinley Westie said...

What cool sculptures!

Karen said...

Amazing, isn't it? We had swan ice sculptures at our wedding - many years ago!

The OP Pack said...

OH, those are gorgeous. It must have been so nice to view them. The birds are spectacular. Shame on those vandals.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

BeadedTail said...

Very cool! No pun intended! When our mommy and daddy went on an Alaskan cruise the crew pulled in a piece of iceburg from Hubbard Glacier and sculpted it. It was cool too! :)

M. K. Clinton said...

Those are beautiful. It is a crying shame that people have no respect for other's hard work and art. Karma has some work to do. ☺

Ruby said...

WOWSA! Those are magnificent!!!! How pawsome to see them in the furs! Can I lick them??? Oh, they really look lickable! BOL
Ruby ♥

Molly and Mackie said...

How beautiful the ice sculptures are!

Jessi Lashakmitis said...

What an amazing ice sculptures!!! I just love them all!!! Very very nice Art work:)