PetSafe® raises awareness of proper pet hydration throughout July
Just a reminder to make sure that your pets are drinking LOTS of water during these hot summer days!
Stay tuned right here for more in-depth information on keeping our pets hydrated!
we agree... water is impawtant... we will give a fountain a try, the mama thinks she can avoid the hiorrible mess I always make with my waterbowl... butt I have other plans hehehehe
I just love your fountain!
Awww, is that LadyBug? She was a cutie pie. Good message today! We like our fountain but mommy's water is the bestest. Just sayin.
Hey my sweet little precious friends. I hope you are all doing well and FOR sure in this heat stay hydrated
Hugs madi your bff
We have a PetSafe fountain coming soon and can't wait to use it. Fresh water is so important especially during this heatwave!
We have a couple different ones and they are awesome! I just know you will enjoy it!
We are doing well! Hope you guys are too! It has been very hot, hasn't it? Drink up Madi!
Thanks! We love the PetSafe fountains too!
Well can let your mama know that Miss Chloe is rather sloppy with her "loose lips" as she is getting older...and the fountain really DOES help!!
A good topic for the heat we've been getting this past week.
I love this photo of you on the water! I'm jealous because I've wanted to get my dogs out on the water for so long.. I'm hoping this Summer will be the year for my dogs to get on a boat - Ahoy matey!!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Hope you get them out on the water this dogs have always enjoyed their boat rides...with the wind in their ears! Fur Flying!! Happy Weekend!
Absolutely....I could totally do without all the humidity!
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