I simply cannot keep my mouth shut this week. No way!
We returned to the homestead this week after being away at the cottage.
Yes, we were back and forth a lot this year due to all of the medical crap I have been dealing with.
I was NOT expecting to find that the yard has been infested with Wolf Spiders. I kid you NOT. Wolf Spiders.
Wolf Spiders are BAD!!! Freakin' unbelievably frightening!! And bothersome.
Would YOU want this thing greeting you at the door???
We have lived in this house over twenty years and never, EVER had this problem before!!
I actually found one of these critters in my kitchen sink!!! ACK!!
I want to sell the house!!
I want to sell the house!!
I really, seriously want to MOVE!!!
We have been reading and researching all day about these things and have managed to kill about fifty of them...with various "tools" and I use that term lightly. We need to go out tomorrow and purchase some more items to get rid of these things. In the meantime, my home is inundated with dryer sheets in every single room!! I even had to kill two of these creatures ON my car and one INSIDE my car driving home from the closest grocery store tonight because we absolutely HAD to have more dryer sheets!! Tomorrow the Peppermint Oil comes out in FULL force!! And NEEM Oil.
I am rather terrified that these things are going to come in to the house and have babies and then I will have fifty bazillion of these things driving me completely mad.
Then, I will just die.
I told you I could NOT not talk about this...
On this Wordless Wednesday.....
Oh my god! U killed 50 already... and are these spiders big? they look scary though... i would run... actually.. if i have that many in a house. Get more dryer sheets quick...
OMG, I would be seriously freaking out with that many of those in my house.Any idea of what attracted them
Yikes they look horrid. OMD we feel for you. Hope you find away of getting rid of them. Poor you.
Best wishes Molly
Jeanne, I really dislike spiders too. And this is the time of year they all want to step inside....That is terrible they are invading....must be since no one was around, they thought they would move in! If you need neem oil, I have some! I bought a gallon to make soap and I have quite a bit left. Let me know!
YUK that is scary. Oh My Be careful. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Eck, eck and eck! I would sell the house too. There's nothing worse than a spider Jeanne! I had a huge one in the bathroom the other night and woke my husband up up too kill it. It was the biggest one I have ever had in our house before. Needless to say I couldn't sleep that night!
Best of luck getting rid of them!
Oh my gosh, no!! That is horrible! Eeek!
Eeeek is right! Let's hope they stay outside.
Goodness! That one's HUGE!!!! I will not want to run into that!
OMG...I would DIE, Jeanne!
Things like snakes and mice don't bother me, but SPIDERS? They FREAK me out. And having lived in Florida for so many years, the spiders there are everywhere.
Florida gets a lot of recluse spiders and they are very dangerous if you get bit.
Hope you get this all cleared up.
X to you and the girlz!
Oh my word! Run for the hills
enny & Lily
OMG, our mom would be beside herself too, Miss Jeanne! Good luck catching them ALL!
EEE that scared me! Happy BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday from FidoseofReality.com!
Don't worry! I saw a wolf spider once in my home about 11 years ago. My father saw it too, we talk about it all the time. . .because we never saw one again. It won't come back, I promise. There aren't more, I promise!!!
Gosh are they big though! Happy WW!
Oh my god... That's horrifying. I once found one of those in my roommates bathtub... Terrifying.
EEEEEGAD!!! I just shivered. I HATE spiders.
Jules of Canines & Couture
Oh ya, I would be all over selling moving too. YUCK!
*shudder* This sounds like the beginnings of a very scary Halloween tale!
OMG. I've been thinking about those a lot because it's "that time of year" and I see them in our yard and neighbors' yards. Just today on our walk I had to majorly duck under a tree because there was one in a web across the sidewalk!!! Eeek. But to have them INVADE your ADOBE!!! No!!!!!!!! Horror film stuff. I would just die too. Good luck getting rid of them!
Wow. That is a big spider. Normally, I will pick spiders up and show them outside. I would definitely think twice about this not so 'waif' like spider!
Mom and I thank you so much for the kind comments you left on our blog regarding dear Sweet Pip's trip to the rainbow bridge...
He loved well and was well loved.
Hugs Madi and Mom
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